Friday, June 7, 2013


Aboard Excelsior, I meet Shield and 16; they were already reading their package. 

I sat down and open my packet.....

Me:  "Looks like we are going to Cuba, guys..."

Shield: "Yep.  Maybe you can get some coffee...."

Me: "Have you been talking to Bellisario..."Shield give me a smart-ass smile. 

16:  "So what is the plan?"

Me: "We are going to try to intercept DES plan to bring the Cold War into a Hot War..."

Shield: "nice pun..."

Pilot: "we are approaching Cuba....time of arrival15 minutes...."

16: 15 minutes, go....

Shield walks over to the airplanes interactive computer system: Oracle; and press the button. A small buzzing sound comes over the speakers and a hologram figure appears. 

Oracle: "Hello....your assignment is to intercept Dr. Evil Scoliosim. He is in Cuba...and my data support that he is trying to launch the nuclear missiles.....its October 27, 1962....Cuba....Cold War.  In this 13-day period Cuba and US coming close to activating mutual assured destruction with nuclear missile. The US under President Kennedy is aware of the Russians' plans to produce and maintain nuclear missiles in Cuba..."

Shield: "...which is to counterbalance the US missiles in Turkey...."

Oracle:  "Correct...." Oracle if she has pixlexia. She return to her normal imagery.

"President Kennedy has met with several government agencies and personnel to devise a plan of attack. The options are an air strike or naval quarantine. Oct. 21st 1962, General Sweeney of the Tactical Air Command tells him that an air strike could not guarantee total destruction of the missiles. The decision is to attack by sea and then a naval quarantine.  Certain people are contacted prior to Kennedy altering the people: former Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower, the Presidential Cabinet and Congressional leaders, as well as the British Prime Minister Macmillan.  Oct 23....the naval quarantine fleet has moved into place around Cuba....Oracle flashes a photo of the naval ship around Cuba.  Next she displays a photo of the Soviet submarine moving into the Caribbean Sea. Khruschchev, Chairman of Russia sent a letter to President Kennedy..."

As she reads the letter to us...there is a thump...

Oracle: ""


16: "What the hell....?"

The pilot comes over the loudspeaker...

Pilot: "Buckle up...something is heading towards us..."


I do not own the image;. please see Ethan T. Allen for more information.

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